Market Analysis

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MARKET ANALYSIS: Price development of solar modules

Here you will find the complete collection of all articles on the price development of solar modules as well as commentaries on the PV market development, which are also published in trade journals such as pv magazine or photovoltaik as well as on online platforms such as Solarserver or EUWID Energie.

Monitoring the price development of solar modules is of crucial importance for investors, manufacturers and other players in the solar energy industry. A sound understanding of market trends makes it possible to make the most of opportunities and take forward-looking decisions.

As a way to stay informed about PV price developments and other important trends, pvXchange Solarshop offers a monthly market report. This report provides regularly updated information and analysis to give readers a comprehensive picture of the solar market and help them make informed decisions. Additional information on the development of the PV market is also available in our photovoltaic price index.

Bild Martin Schachinger

PV Expert Dipl.-Ing. Martin Schachinger

Managing Partner | Business Development

Founder and Managing Director Martin Schachinger has been involved with photovoltaics for almost 30 years. Since 2008, he has regularly surveyed module prices and written market commentaries that have made him a sought-after expert in the international solar industry.


Compared with the preceding month, module prices in Europe declined somewhat again in December. Existing stocks were apparently not reduced as quickly as PV manufacturers had hoped. As a result, further price reductions had to be granted for all types of modules and every region of origin.


Dwindling demand in Europe has kept module prices under pressure. Nearly every product across the board, regardless of origin or brand, has fallen by a couple of percentage points over last month's prices.


These days you have to look very closely to see individual rays of light in the very dark skies above the solar sector in Europe. The installation figures for Germany reported to the German Federal Network Agency have dropped again.


Another month has passed again without substantial stimulation of the European market. This can also be seen as far as prices are concerned.


The existing EU minimum import prices for Chinese modules and cells are preventing a much-needed downward price adjustment for products of all regions of origin. The prices are still largely stable. Delivery volumes from Asian manufacturers for the European market are, at the same time, being progressively reduced.


The prices for modules from all regions of origin stayed mainly at the previous month’s level in July. Isolated fluctuations had no effect on the averaged prices.


In the course of June, module prices from all regions of origin fell to the lowest level so far this year.


The prices for modules from China enjoyed a breather last month while the few products from Germany that remained on the market continued in their race to catch up.


Once again we have a month behind us during which there has not been much change in the market. There is still a very prevalent “wait and see” attitude in Europe and in Germany in particular. Following fixing of the new minimum import prices, prices in general dropped by around €0.03 per watt peak ($0.04).


The answer has to be yes! Many Asian manufacturers are already openly announcing price reductions, which had already been gradually introduced some time ago -- but more on that later.


There were no real surprises in terms of the development of prices in February and March. Very little movement can be seen on the market at present.


While the prices for German modules and products from Japan and Korea remained stable, products from China showed a slight price increase over the turn of the year and modules from several other Asian countries such as Malaysia, Taiwan or the Philippines increased in price yet again.